Opening Ceremony: XEDZ Euro SME Launchpad

We warmly welcome Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone (XEDZ) EuroSME Launchpad to the German Centre Shanghai.

With the presence of our Board of Directors from Bayerische Landesbank, Dr. Benedikt Haas and Roland Reichert, as well as our CEO & Chairman, Christian Sommer, and government representatives from Xuzhou, along with guests from the German Centre Shanghai network, we have celebrated the opening of the XEDZ EuroSME Launchpad.

As a hub for European SMEs, the XEDZ EuroSME Launchpad will further contribute to constructive exchanges and mutual learning between Germany and China at the German Centre Shanghai.

During the luncheon, tenants, guests, and Xuzhou representatives began to get to know each other better and discuss Sino-German economic cooperation.

Xuzhou is a prominent city in Jiangsu Province, China, known for its rich historical heritage and as a vital economic hub. It boasts a diverse industrial base, excelling in sectors such as construction machinery, intelligent manufacturing, new energy, and new materials. Xuzhou is also a center for integrated circuits, biotechnology, and the digital economy. Geographically, it occupies a strategic location in the northwest of the Jiangsu Province, serving as a critical junction between Shanghai and Beijing. This position enhances its importance in both regional and national transport and economic networks, making Xuzhou a key player in China’s ongoing development.