China’s Data Diplomacy

On 25 April, 2024, the German Centre Shanghai hosted an informative seminar on the newly released Cyber Administration of China (CAC) regulations for cross-border data flows. Sebastian Wiendiek from Roedl & Partner provided crucial insights into the relaxed requirements for data transfers, including when data processors will have reduced legal obligations and the necessity for security assessments by the CAC.

Participants learned about the need for signing standard contracts with data recipients outside mainland China and the special rules applicable in pilot Free Trade Zones (FTZ). The seminar also covered updates to the security assessment and standard contract guides, equipping businesses with the knowledge to navigate the new regulatory environment.

The session concluded with a networking event, offering snacks and beer, where attendees discussed the changes and shared insights in a relaxed atmosphere. The event was well-received, combining expert knowledge with an excellent opportunity for professional networking.